Mark Tadder Promoted to Associate Director

Mark Tadder has been promoted to Associate Director of the Northern Nevada Center for Independent Living (NNCIL).
How They Spent Their Summer Vacations

In July, three Northern Nevada high school teachers joined Northern Nevada Center for Independent Living (NNCIL) Blind/Low Vision Advocate Mark Tadder for a field trip to Washington, D.C., to learn more about what they can do to help their students transition into adulthood. The teachers’ trip was supported by NNCIL, in conjunction with the Nevada Statewide […]
Learning New Skills To Help High School Students

NNCIL, in conjunction with the Nevada Statewide Independent Living Council, is providing scholarships for three Northern Nevada high school teachers to attend the 2023 National Council on Independent Living conference in Washington D.C., July 24-27. Gabrielle Paredes teaches Strategies at McQueen High School in Reno, where she collaborates with three special education teachers using up-to-date, evidence-based instructional methods to […]
Being the Change

White Pine High School senior Autumn Cavender says her teachers generally follow IEP guidelines, but for her (and presumably other IEP students), they need more individualized accommodations to help them succeed. Autumn has been diagnosed with dyslexia and Irlen Syndrome, a problem with the brain’s ability to process visual information. Irlen Syndrome manifests differently for […]
Forging Justice

Through a grant from the Nevada Statewide Independent Living Council, we had the extreme privilege of sending two students and two educators to the National Council on Independent Living conference, held the last week of July, 2022. While in Washington D.C., they attended a variety of workshops, addressing such important topics as independent living, advocacy, assistive technology and access […]
NCIL Teacher Scholarships

Congratulations to our 2022 scholarship recipients! TEACHERS Dawn Browning, Academy of Arts, Careers, and Technology Herman Cabeje, W. Wendover HS STUDENTS Autumn Cavender, White Pine HS Shelby Benzing, Academy of Arts, Careers, and Technology ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Northern Nevada Center for Independent Living (NNCIL) is providing all-expense paid scholarship to attend the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) Annual […]
NCIL Youth Scholarships

Congratulations to our 2022 scholarship recipients! STUDENTS Autumn Cavender, White Pine HS Shelby Benzing, Academy of Arts, Careers, and Technology TEACHERS Dawn Browning, Academy of Arts, Careers, and Technology Herman Cabeje, W. Wendover HS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Northern Nevada Center for Independent Living (NNCIL) is these all-expense paid scholarship to attend the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) […]