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NNCIL logo next to a photo of a young women speaking with sign language on a computer call


Individual and Systems Advocacy Services

NNCIL works in the community to make a difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities by removing barriers and focusing efforts on accessibility to public services, education, and benefits. As a CIL, we’re at the forefront of advocating for access, choice, and self-determination for individuals with disabilities. NNCIL can help advocate for the rights of individuals living with any type of disability on both an individual and a systems level.

  • Self-advocacy: Self-advocacy services help individuals learn to advocate for their individual personal rights. These rights may include healthcare benefits, access to health care and housing, as well as other essential services. Self-advocacy is one of the most important skills anyone can have in their tool kit. NNCIL is dedicated to helping individuals learn to advocate for themselves in order to best maximize their choices and live an independent life.
  • Systems Advocacy: Systems Advocacy involves working together to change policies and remove the barriers people living with disabilities face in their everyday lives. NNCIL staff and consumers partner to facilitate system changes, including those related to government policies, transportation, public accommodation, and housing.

Advocacy is one of the core services that centers for independent living provide. NNCIL and all other centers for independent living promote and provide all both kinds of advocacy. In addition to meeting in person we often provide this kind of support via phone and email, as well.

Advocacy can be:

Asking for what you want

  • Talking to someone who has the power to make a change
  • Sending a letter
  • Asking to talk to the supervisor or person in charge

Taking an action

  • Make a call
  • Send an email
  • Send a letter – always sign it!

Contacting the media

  • Write a letter to the editor

  • Write a newsletter article on an issue to inform & mobilize
  • Talk to the media (news reporter, radio announcer, etc.)

Talking to a policy maker

  • City Council member, Mayor, State Legislator, U.S. Congress member
  • Testifying at public hearings & meetings

Join a policy-making body

  • A governmental council or commission
  • An organizational board of directors

Using your civil rights

  • Filing an appeal or grievance when you don’t agree with a service provider’s decision
  • Filing an ADA complaint with the Nevada Attorney General or U.S. Department of Justice
  • Learn your rights and responsibilities

Get involved with your favored political party at the local level

  • Volunteering on a political campaign gives you access to information and to other people who are like minded
  • Starting or signing a petition
  • Joining or organizing a rally, press conference or demonstration
  • Register to vote — and vote!