The following are some of the resources developed by federal organizations that can be used to develop disability inclusive emergency preparedness and response plans.
- Nobody Left Behind is the result of a three-year study to investigate 30 county level or equivalent emergency management sites across the United States that had experienced a recent disaster. The researchers aimed to determine the readiness of these sites to assist persons with mobility limitations during disasters.
- Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and other Special Needs is a booklet from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the American Red Cross that helps people with disabilities prepare for all kinds of emergencies.
- Effective Emergency Preparedness Planning for Employers is a website that includes resources related to workplace emergency preparedness and the needs of employees with disabilities.
- emPOWER Map is a tool to find electricity-dependent equipment claims at the U.S. state, territory, county, and zip code level. Over 2.5 million people rely upon electricity-dependent medical and assistive equipment.
- Guidance on Integrating People with Access and Functional Needs into Disaster Preparedness Planning for States and Local Governments: This guidance will introduce and connect you to available resources and inclusive strategies for integrating the access and functional needs of at-risk individuals into emergency preparedness, response, and recovery planning at all jurisdictional levels.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Public Health Workbook: To Define, Locate, and Reach Special, Vulnerable, and At-risk Populations in an Emergency: This CDC workbook is intended to provide public health and emergency preparedness planners with better ways to communicate health and emergency information to at-risk individuals with access and functional needs for all-hazards events through step-by-step instructions, resource guides and templates.