Illustration of a young man in a wheelchair at the grocery store.

Bagging the Basics

Your Guide to Smart Shopping

With your list prepared, it’s time to go shopping! Here are some tips for making it the best experience possible.

Pick your store and the best time to go

Some stores may have some items you need but not others. One store might be closer but another may have better prices. Decide what store is best for your needs.

Then, consider what time you’ll go. Some stores have special hours for people with disabilities to offer a quiet, less-busy experience when there may be less sensory distraction. 

Remember that the busiest times for grocery stores are midday on the weekends — especially Saturdays — and late afternoons, from about 4 p.m. until 6 p.m., when people are getting off work and stopping at the store on the way home. Pick quieter times, such as early mornings or after dinnertime, if you want to shop when it’s quieter and less stressful.

Check your selected store location on Google Maps and see the “Popular Times” feature! This will tell you when the store is busiest, so you can pick a quieter time.

Then consider how you’ll get there. Will you drive, ride with someone you know, or take public transportation? The method of transportation may also affect how much you can buy and when you can go.

Don’t forget online shopping

Many grocery stores offer the option to buy your groceries online and have them delivered (usually for a small fee, plus a tip for the delivery driver) or pick them up curbside. This may be a great option for those without transportation or who have mobility issues. It can also help you to stick to your list, so you won’t be tempted by delicious-looking boxes of cookies! The websites often add prices as you go, so you can see when you’re spending too much money.

Take your list, your bags, and any accessibility tools

Having a list helps to make sure you don’t spend money you don’t have. If you stick to the list, it’s easier to budget for your weekly shopping trips, and it helps to keep you on track so you don’t forget anything. 

If you put your list items in categories, this will help you to maximize your time at the store. You may not know in advance where everything is, but the more you plan ahead of time, the easier it will be.

Many stores charge extra for bags, so it’s a good idea (and more environmentally friendly) to bring your reusable bags with you. 

Finally, many stores stock items on high shelves, which can be difficult for people with disabilities to reach. In that case, an extension grabber tool might be good to carry with you. Consider what other accessibility devices you’ll need. Many grocery stores have special disability shopping carts, which allow people to sit while shopping and add items to their carts. 

Consider your budget

Do you know how much you can spend? Know ahead of time, and keep track of how much things cost as you shop, so you don’t overspend. With credit cards, it’s easy to spend too much money because it’s easy and you don’t see the bill until later. That’s why it’s a good idea to use a debit card , so you can be sure you don’t spend more than you bring and can stick to a budget.

Pay attention to the store’s layout

Have you ever noticed that most stores are arranged similarly? Usually, the outside edges of the store are dedicated to fresh foods that are healthier and expire more quickly — produce, baked goods, meats, dairy products? The inner aisles usually contain items that last longer, such as canned and packaged goods, frozen foods, and household goods such as toothpaste and toilet paper. It’s a good idea to buy frozen foods last; if you pick up your ice cream first, it might melt before you even leave the store! Knowing how a store is laid out can help you identify items more quickly and become a smarter shopper. 

Also, pay attention to store signage. There will usually be signs hanging above each aisle, letting you know what is located there. If you aren’t sure where to find something, look up! Start paying attention to signs throughout the store, which may be located on shelves, at the ends of aisles, above you, or even painted on the floor. These signs can help you find items you need or other important information.

Use the tally mark method to track your spending

Here’s a great way to make sure you have an idea of how much your groceries will cost and be sure you don’t spend more than you can afford. It’s called the tally mark method. Here’s how it works:

  • As you go through the store picking up items, pay attention to the prices, which may be marked with tags on shelves or on the items themselves. 
  • Round up to whole dollar amounts. This helps you to account for tax, which is additional money you’ll have to pay. For example, if an item is $3.50, round up to $4
  • Make a tally mark for each dollar, making sure to multiply by the number of each item you’re buying. So in the example above, you’d make four tally marks, like this:

| | | |

But if you’re buying two of those items, you would double that and write eight tally marks. 

  • Once you’re finished shopping, add up all your tally marks. That is a close estimate of how much money you’ll be spending. That way, if you have a limited amount of money, you know if you have picked up too many items. Plus, even if you aren’t limited, it’s a good way to make sure the cashier hasn’t made a mistake, which sometimes happens.

Look for ways to save money

There are a few things you can do to save money on groceries. First, your store may have a loyalty club. These are usually free to sign up for, and club members may pay discounted prices for certain items. 

There are several apps that offer coupons or cash back for groceries, such as RetailMeNot and Ibotta, and your grocery store may have an app where coupons or daily specials can be found. 

Check the labels

There are several smartphone apps available to assist people with disabilities with reading boxes and nutrition labels. Here are a few examples:

  • Be My Eyes connects people who are blind or have low vision with sighted volunteers through a live video connection.
  • Magnifying Glass visually enlarges objects so they’re easier to see or read.
  • TapTapSee and Seeing AI both provide talking camera services for the blind.


Be sure to check ingredients and make sure there aren’t any that will negatively affect your health. You’ll also need to make decisions based both on cost and value, which is how much time you get in for the cost. A higher value is good — in other words, you want to get more or better quality for the cost. 

It’s okay if you make a decision to buy something you aren’t happy with or that costs too much for the quality of something. You’ll just know better next time!

It’s okay to feel overwhelmed and ask for help

Grocery shopping can be stressful for everyone, especially when you feel rushed, can’t find the items you need, or have to deal with crowds during busy shopping times. For people with disabilities, the shopping experience can be even more so. Remember that it’s okay to stop and take a breath! Find a quiet spot in the store where you can stop for a moment and compose yourself.

Remember that the employees are there to help you! Look for those wearing store uniforms, aprons, or nametags, and ask them if you need help reaching items on high shelves, finding where products are located, or anything else.

Make the most of your time at the register

You’ve found everything on your list and you’re ready to head to the register and pay. Look around and see if you can find a register where the cashier or another employee will bag your groceries. 

As you’re loading the groceries onto the belt, think about how the items will be loaded into bags. Remember that heavy objects should be at the bottom of the bag, while fragile, breakable items, such as bread or eggs, should go at the top, so they don’t get squished under heavy objects. When you unload your cart or basket, put heavy objects on the belt first and the light items on last to make it easier to pack your bags. 

You also may want to group similar items together, so they’re easier to put away when you get home. For example, put your frozen foods on the belt together so they are bagged together. That way, when you get home, you can go right to the freezer with that bag and put all of the frozen foods away at once.
