Illustration of a group of young people, with varying disabilities.

Find Your Voice

How to Stand Up for Yourself

Has anyone ever decided something for you without even asking you? Do you know how to stand up for yourself? Does it ever feel like people don’t listen to you because you have a disability?

Guess what? You matter! Your voice matters! Standing up for yourself and the things you believe in not only feels great and gives you confidence and strength, but it’s a human right and a skill you need in life. 

What we’re talking about is self-advocacy. Those sound like fancy words, but they mean something very simple: speaking up and asking for what you need.

Self-advocacy is a way of taking care of yourself. It’s about finding your own power and feeling strong and confident. It’s about saying, “This is me! I can make my own choices. What I say is important! Here is what I need, and here is what I want to do.” 

Sometimes you need to advocate, or speak up, for other people, ideas, or policies. That’s what we call systems advocacy. 

Often, people with disabilities have a hard time getting what they need. They’re sometimes ignored or overlooked. People may even decide things for them without asking for their opinion. 

That can make you feel powerless, like you don’t even matter. That’s why our motto is “Nothing about us without us.”

But HOW do you speak up for yourself? Where do you start?

State the main problem

If something feels wrong, it may not always be easy to say exactly what the problem is. Talk through it with yourself or with someone else who cares about you. There may be different parts to the problem. See if you can find the main, or biggest, problem and state it clearly.

Decide what you want to see happen

What outcome is most important to you? You might not always get everything you want, so try to figure out what would be the best solution for you.

Know your rights and responsibilities

Everyone has the right to make their own decisions, but it’s also important to know what you can or can’t do, according to the school, place of business, community, or the law. Find out what you’re entitled to and what you could reasonably expect.

Be proud and speak up!

Now that you know what the problem is, what solution you want, and what your rights are, ask for it with confidence. This might mean making a phone call, sending an email, or visiting someone to ask for what you need. Make sure you talk to the person who has the power to solve the problem. It might help to bring a trusted friend or family member with you in case you need help. 

Be polite, be patient, but be persistent!

Say thank you

It’s important to thank someone if they listen to you and help you. If you are kind and thankful, people will want to help you again.