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Mineral County is made up of arid desert plains and rugged mountain ranges, with Walker River flowing through the dry landscape. The county’s climate and vegetation make it susceptible to wildfires, particularly during the hot and dry summer months. It’s crucial for older adults and people with disabilities to have a well-thought-out evacuation plan, considering your unique needs, in case of a wildfire.

Smoke associated with wildfires can contribute to COPD exacerbations during heavy smoke conditions, especially in older populations. Visit Rural NV Smoke for up-to-date smoke conditions in the area.

Sudden heavy rainfall, especially in desert and mountainous areas, can lead to flash floods, posing risks to communities and infrastructure.

You can help to protect yourself by:

It’s crucial for residents of Mineral County to stay informed about potential emergencies and have an emergency preparedness plan in place, including having a network, knowing evacuation routes, having emergency supplies, and staying tuned to local news and authorities for updates during such events.

Emergency Contact Information