The Benefits of Hiring People with Disabilities

October marks National Disability Employment Awareness Month, a fitting time to reflect on the value and benefits of hiring people with disabilities. Many businesses and employers have yet to tap into the vast pool of talent and abilities this group offers, often because of preconceived notions and misconceptions. In reality, hiring people with disabilities offers a […]
National Blindness Awareness Month

October is not only a month of falling leaves and Halloween festivities, it’s also a time of reflection and education. National Blindness Awareness Month underscores several critical points and emphasizes why this awareness is essential for society. National Blindness Awareness Month is not just a month — it’s a movement. The importance of this month […]
How They Spent Their Summer Vacations

In July, three Northern Nevada high school teachers joined Northern Nevada Center for Independent Living (NNCIL) Blind/Low Vision Advocate Mark Tadder for a field trip to Washington, D.C., to learn more about what they can do to help their students transition into adulthood. The teachers’ trip was supported by NNCIL, in conjunction with the Nevada Statewide […]
Learning New Skills To Help High School Students

NNCIL, in conjunction with the Nevada Statewide Independent Living Council, is providing scholarships for three Northern Nevada high school teachers to attend the 2023 National Council on Independent Living conference in Washington D.C., July 24-27. Gabrielle Paredes teaches Strategies at McQueen High School in Reno, where she collaborates with three special education teachers using up-to-date, evidence-based instructional methods to […]
ABLE Accounts: Offering Financial Independence for People with Disabilities

Managing finances can be challenging, and individuals with disabilities often face unique financial needs. There’s a financial tool available called an ABLE account that can help make life a little easier. In this article, we’ll explain what ABLE accounts are and how they can empower people with disabilities to take control of their financial future. […]
Exploring the World!

School’s out for summer, which means many families are planning trips, from camping or staycations to domestic and international travel. While traveling with a disability does come with some additional planning, there are plenty of reasons to do it!
Handling Northern Nevada Winters

The January 2023 storms have been good reminders of the importance of being prepared for Northern Nevada winters. It’s also important to know who to call in an emergency, so we thought we’d share a list of important numbers all in one place. We’ll continue to update this list as we learn more. Travel Routes: Plug your route into to […]
Don’t Let the Flu Knock You Down

As we enter the winter months, it looks like we’re going to have more than snow and ice to worry about. Based on current data, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is predicting a hard flu season. Just last week, they shared: While those are national numbers, they apply to our state as well. Two flu deaths have already […]
Resources for People Traveling with a Disability

Here are some tips to make traveling with a disability easier. The Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) makes it illegal for airlines to discriminate against passengers because of their disability. Airlines are also required to provide assistance, including providing wheelchair or other guided assistance to board, deplane, or connect to another flight; seating accommodation assistance […]
Blind Equality Achievement Month

October is also officially Blindness Awareness Month, which is officially designated to “bring a heightened focus on the blind and visually impaired community and the realities of living without sight.” The National Federation of the Blind has taken that a step further, designating October as Blind Equity Achievement Month, which is designed to, “Remember history, advance […]