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National Blindness Awareness Month

A young man and blind senior with white cane sitting on bench in park in city.

October is not only a month of falling leaves and Halloween festivities, it’s also a time of reflection and education. National Blindness Awareness Month underscores several critical points and emphasizes why this awareness is essential for society.

  • Understanding the Scope: Worldwide, there are approximately 285 million people with some form of visual impairment, of whom 39 million are blind. These numbers are staggering, and the majority of society remains unaware of the magnitude. By dedicating a month to raising awareness, the scale and depth of the issue are brought to the forefront.
  • Breaking Stereotypes: There are numerous misconceptions surrounding the abilities and limitations of those with visual impairments. Blindness Awareness Month provides an opportunity to educate the public, breaking down stereotypes and highlighting the strengths, talents, and potential of blind and low vision people.
  • Promoting Inclusivity: As awareness grows, so does the understanding of the need for inclusivity. This means creating environments — from workplaces to public spaces — that are accessible and accommodating. Recognizing the significance of this month can spur initiatives aimed at making society more inclusive for everyone.
  • Highlighting Medical and Technological Advances: With continued research, there have been significant strides in treatments, technologies and interventions for visual impairments. This month can serve as a platform to showcase these advances, providing hope and tangible solutions for those affected.
  • Encouraging Preventative Measures: Many forms of visual impairment are preventable. By raising awareness, there’s an increased emphasis on the importance of regular eye check-ups, understanding potential symptoms, and taking preventative measures. Knowledge is power, and in this case, it can lead to better eye health.
  • Empathy and Understanding: For those without visual impairments, it’s challenging to genuinely comprehend the challenges faced by this community. Through events, workshops, and stories shared during Blindness Awareness Month, people can develop a deeper empathy and understanding, ultimately fostering a more compassionate society.
  • Economic Implications: Visual impairment has significant economic implications, both for individuals and society at large. Lost productivity, medical treatments, and other related costs can be substantial. By raising awareness, there’s a greater push for resources, research, and interventions that can have long-term economic benefits.
  • Celebrating Achievements: From artists to athletes, engineers to educators, many visually impaired individuals have made remarkable contributions to society. This month serves as a reminder of their achievements, inspiring others and breaking down misconceived limitations.
  • Advocacy and Policy Change: Awareness often serves as the first step towards advocacy and policy change. By highlighting the needs and rights of the visually impaired community, there can be a concerted push for laws, policies, and regulations that promote their welfare and rights.

National Blindness Awareness Month is not just a month — it’s a movement. The importance of this month extends beyond mere statistics; it touches the core of what it means to be an inclusive, compassionate, and forward-thinking society. 

NNCIL offers a variety of programs and peer groups for blind and low vision people. Visit our calendar at or email for more information.

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