Reno Senior Resource Fair

January 23, 2024

We'll have a table at the Reno Senior Resource Fair, dedicated to informing seniors about services available to them.

The event provides seniors with the opportunity to explore information about senior service providers in Northern Nevada. A diverse range of resources will be accessible, allowing seniors to gain knowledge and receive complimentary items. Free COVID and Flu shots will be available with insurance in partnership with the Community Health Alliance and lunch will be provided as long as supplies last.

“This fair is a great opportunity for our seniors to come out and become informed, empowered, and engaged,” said Cynthia Esparza, Chief Equity and Community Relations Officer for the City. “We are excited to expand our senior offerings in 2024, and this fair is a great way to start the new year.”

The Senior Resource Fair is part of the larger Reno Seniors EngAGED program, which seeks to enrich and inform the lives of the senior community via program opportunities including fairs, technology classes, guest speakers, and more.


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