Hiring People with Disabilities Just Makes Sense

People with disabilities want and deserve jobs just as much as anyone else. And employers benefit from hiring people with disabilities. This all seems pretty obvious, but since there is a whole month devoted to it we’re going to talk about the importance of disability employment awareness.  The U.S. Department of Labor announced that, “in […]

Being the Change 

Photo collage of people at the 2022 NCIL conference in Washington DC, in front of the capitol building, in a restaurant and in an elevator

White Pine High School senior Autumn Cavender says her teachers generally follow IEP guidelines, but for her (and presumably other IEP students), they need more individualized accommodations to help them succeed.   Autumn has been diagnosed with dyslexia and Irlen Syndrome, a problem with the brain’s ability to process visual information. Irlen Syndrome manifests differently for […]

Forging Justice

Two young women sitting next to each other, one in a wheelchair.

​ Through a grant from the Nevada Statewide Independent Living Council, we had the extreme privilege of sending two students and two educators to the National Council on Independent Living conference, held the last week of July, 2022. While in Washington D.C., they attended a variety of workshops, addressing such important topics as independent living, advocacy, assistive technology and access […]

The ADA Turns 32

Woman talking on a mic, with the words "ADA explained" under her. Drawing of a woman in a wheelchair next to her.

On July 26, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) turns 32!Last year we celebrated ADA’s 31st anniversary and the end of the pandemic shutdown with a get-together at Sparks Marina Park that included COVID-19 information and free vaccines provided by Immunize Nevada. This year, we’re continuing to celebrate some of the ways that the ADA changed American society.Before the American Disabilities Act […]

Mark Wellman Adventure Day

Two people riding adaptable bikes around the Sparks Marina.

 5, when participants had the opportunity to explore adaptive equipment and experiences. In between, they were able to get free COVID-19 and/or flu vaccines from Immunize Nevada.  Everyone who joined the fun also had access to nearly two dozen community organizations, giving them a chance to connect or reconnect with programs and services for people […]

Enjoying The Great Outdoors with a Disability

Man in a wheelchair fishing at a lake.

People flock to Nevada from all over the world to spend time in our amazing mountains, deserts, rivers and lakes. In addition to enjoying the beauty that surrounds us, there is plenty of evidence that being outside is good for our minds and bodies. Though this can be challenging for people with disabilities and older adults, […]

NCIL Teacher Scholarships

Words: Indivisible 2023 Annual Conference on Independent Living

Congratulations to our 2022 scholarship recipients! TEACHERS Dawn Browning, Academy of Arts, Careers, and Technology  Herman Cabeje, W. Wendover HS STUDENTS Autumn Cavender, White Pine HS Shelby Benzing, Academy of Arts, Careers, and Technology  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Northern Nevada Center for Independent Living (NNCIL) is providing  all-expense paid scholarship to attend the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) Annual […]

NCIL Youth Scholarships

Words: Indivisible 2023 Annual Conference on Independent Living

Congratulations to our 2022 scholarship recipients! STUDENTS Autumn Cavender, White Pine HS Shelby Benzing, Academy of Arts, Careers, and Technology  TEACHERS Dawn Browning, Academy of Arts, Careers, and Technology  Herman Cabeje, W. Wendover HS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Northern Nevada Center for Independent Living (NNCIL) is these all-expense paid scholarship to attend the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) […]