A Legacy of Independence and Empowerment

Every year on January 23rd, we celebrate Ed Roberts Day to honor the life and legacy of a remarkable individual who changed the lives of countless people with disabilities. Ed Roberts was not only a pioneer in the disability rights movement but also a symbol of determination, resilience and the power of one person’s advocacy to create a lasting impact.
Unleashing Independence

Service dogs are not just furry companions; they’re highly trained partners that provide invaluable support for people with disabilities. These remarkable animals have the ability to transform lives by enhancing independence, confidence and overall well-being.
Navigating the Job Hunt with a Disability

Whether you’re diving in for the first time, rejoining after a break, or looking for a change, navigating the world of employment can sometimes feel challenging. But it doesn’t have to be.
The Benefits of Hiring People with Disabilities

October marks National Disability Employment Awareness Month, a fitting time to reflect on the value and benefits of hiring people with disabilities. Many businesses and employers have yet to tap into the vast pool of talent and abilities this group offers, often because of preconceived notions and misconceptions. In reality, hiring people with disabilities offers a […]
ABLE Accounts: Offering Financial Independence for People with Disabilities

Managing finances can be challenging, and individuals with disabilities often face unique financial needs. There’s a financial tool available called an ABLE account that can help make life a little easier. In this article, we’ll explain what ABLE accounts are and how they can empower people with disabilities to take control of their financial future. […]
Exploring the World!

School’s out for summer, which means many families are planning trips, from camping or staycations to domestic and international travel. While traveling with a disability does come with some additional planning, there are plenty of reasons to do it!
Resources for People Traveling with a Disability

Here are some tips to make traveling with a disability easier. The Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) makes it illegal for airlines to discriminate against passengers because of their disability. Airlines are also required to provide assistance, including providing wheelchair or other guided assistance to board, deplane, or connect to another flight; seating accommodation assistance […]
Blind Equality Achievement Month

October is also officially Blindness Awareness Month, which is officially designated to “bring a heightened focus on the blind and visually impaired community and the realities of living without sight.” The National Federation of the Blind has taken that a step further, designating October as Blind Equity Achievement Month, which is designed to, “Remember history, advance […]
Hiring People with Disabilities Just Makes Sense

People with disabilities want and deserve jobs just as much as anyone else. And employers benefit from hiring people with disabilities. This all seems pretty obvious, but since there is a whole month devoted to it we’re going to talk about the importance of disability employment awareness. The U.S. Department of Labor announced that, “in […]
The ADA Turns 32

On July 26, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) turns 32!Last year we celebrated ADA’s 31st anniversary and the end of the pandemic shutdown with a get-together at Sparks Marina Park that included COVID-19 information and free vaccines provided by Immunize Nevada. This year, we’re continuing to celebrate some of the ways that the ADA changed American society.Before the American Disabilities Act […]